Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ashlynn heads to New York

Well, Ashlynn left for New York today. My parents are taking her with them to visit my mother's brother and sister(s) in Rome New York. I took her over to my parent's house last night for her to stay the night since they had to leave early this morning to catch a 700am flight out of Denver International Airport. She was all ready and excited to go. When didn't really have too hard of a time saying by to her, neither Cortney or I, but we still felt a little saddened since this is the longest she'll be away from both of us. All I can think about is how this is how it all starts. She'll come back from New York all urbanized and hip. I fear she'll come back a clone of what I imagine little Dakota Fanning must be like. Demanding mocha frappachinos (no idea if that's a real drink or not), wearing sunglasses indoors (i think her future is bright enough to necessitate the constant wearing of shades, more aptly put, her's fututre's so bright she gots to wear shades!) and demanding we take her to a day spa so she can get some "me" time. This is how it all starts, they start taking trips, going to kindergarden and next thing you know she's off to college calling only to ask for money or when she needs to do some laundry. I'm only half joking, I'm stoked for her to go. She's going to have an awsome time. Lots of nice weather and good times are sure to be had, especially whereever swimming will take place. We sent her with a camera in hopes of her capturing some cool "from her perspective" pictures. I'll try to post them when she gets back next week.

Meanwhile, Kenzie and Cameron are none the wiser. Kenzie had a surprisingy easy (to me at least) time saying bye to Ashie when we dropped her off. We'll see how she deals the following days when she notices her big sis isn't around. Cameron doesn't mind as long as he can still put his foot in his mouth and grab Kenzie's hair. Ah, gotta love the home life. We miss you Ashie, hope you're having fun!

This one's for you Kyla

Here's an update:


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Cameron enjoying the show

and hoping his sister doesn't poke him in the eye.

Kenzie thinks her brother is a stand up guy

Kenzie shows that she can be nice to her brother at times while Cameron looks on not knowing if she's actually going to kiss him or shove a toy in his face. Just not on the lips you two, don't spread any germs!!!

allo muggels!

Long time no write! Just wanted to post some cool things that have happened recently. We had an awsome fourth of July and things have been going alright ever since. The 5th of July we went up to Woodland Park's Concert Above the Clouds and had a blast. We got up there 30-45 minutes before the fireworks started and still managed to get an awsome spot on the lawn. The Colorado Springs Philharmonic provided played ertremely well and the girls had a good time checking them out. We sat pretty close to where the fireworks were shot off from. It was cool to watch them shoot up and then rain down. Some sparks even made it all the way back down to the ground. Good times. We bundled the kids up since last year when we went, it was freezing cold. It wasn't too bad this year which made it even easier to enjoy.